Apple Pay on the Web
Interactive Demo

Try an Apple Pay test transaction using the button below.
Transactions you make on this site don’t charge your card.


Use this page to learn how to enable Apple Pay on the Web using the Payment Request API, Apple Pay JS API, or the Disbursement Request API. This demo preconfigures the Apple Pay button below with default values. Explore further by modifying values in the code blocks throughout the page to customize payment sheet experiences. This demo displays a transcript of server responses after each transaction for context. Click or tap the Show Transcript tab to view the transaction transcript.

In addition to letting you try out the Apple Pay JavaScript APIs, this demo can also serve as a tutorial for your own implementation. It assumes you’ve already set up your environment to process Apple Pay transactions, and are familiar with Apple Pay best practices. Before starting your integration, we recommend reviewing Planning for Apple Pay and the Apple Pay Human Interface Guidelines. For more information about supporting Apple Pay on your website, see Apple Pay on the Web.

This demo generates source code that you can copy into your own project. Click or tap the Show Source tab to view the source code. The demo updates the source code as you change values in the code blocks throughout the page. When you’re satisfied with the configuration, click or tap the Copy button inside the Show Source tab to copy the source code to your clipboard.

Select the API you want to explore.


This demo uses Apple Pay JS API, and to run this demo you need to use:

  • iOS devices running iOS 11 or later
  • Safari 11 with macOS 10.13 or later

Display an Apple Pay button

To display an Apple Pay button, use the following code to load the button script into your web page from the content delivery network:

<script crossorigin

The JavaScript Apple Pay button provides a variety of Apple Pay button types that you can use on your website to initiate a transaction. You can specify the Apple Pay button style, type, and localization using attributes. Use CSS to set other properties, such as the size and corner radius. Using the official Apple Pay button element ensures your site displays the latest style, renders correctly across devices, and follows Apple guidelines. For design guidance, see Human Interface Guidelines > Apple Pay > Buttons and Marks.

Try it: Display settings

Use the following tools to try the different display settings on the button below:

apple-pay-button {
  --apple-pay-button-width: 150px;
  --apple-pay-button-height: 30px;
  --apple-pay-button-border-radius: 3px;
  --apple-pay-button-padding: 0px 0px;
  --apple-pay-button-box-sizing: border-box;
<apple-pay-button buttonstyle="black" type="plain" locale="en-US"></apple-pay-button>

Create a Payment Request

When your customer clicks or taps the Apple Pay button, you first need to construct an ApplePaySession object, which includes the ApplePayPaymentRequest dictionary detailing the transaction details the payment sheet will display.

The ApplePayPaymentRequest requires details, including the total payment for the transaction, the currency, and the supported payment networks. You can optionally pass lineItems to show additional charges and discounts, and shippingMethods to allow the customer to choose from different shipping options. If you require address or contact details from your customer, request them by passing values in the requiredShippingContactFields or requiredBillingContactFields.

You can set up recurring payments, such as subscriptions, that feature different payment intervals (such as annually or monthly) and billing cycles (such as regular or trial) by passing ApplePayRecurringPaymentRequest to the ApplePayPaymentRequest with the ApplePayLineItem that has a recurring paymentTiming value.

You can set up deferred payments, where a user pays at a later date, with the ApplePayLineItem that has a recurring paymentTiming value and a valid date in the deferredPaymentDate property.

You can set up automatic reload payments, such as store card top-ups, by passing automaticReloadPaymentRequest to the ApplePayPaymentRequest with the ApplePayLineItem that has an automaticReload paymentTiming, the amount to describe the reload amount, and the automaticReloadPaymentThresholdAmount to describe the threshold amount balance to reach before automatically applying the reload amount.

You can set up multitoken transactions to process and display payments with multiple merchants on one payment sheet, such as a booking site where a user pays for a hotel, a flight, and a car rental from different merchants in a single Apple Pay transaction. You can do this by passing ApplePayPaymentTokenContext in the multiTokenContexts property to the ApplePayPaymentRequest.

See Creating an Apple Pay Session for more detail.

Try it: ApplePayPaymentRequest

Modify the values in the ApplePayPaymentRequest below and click or tap the Apple Pay button to view the payment sheet.

(minimal, required fields only)
(includes optional fields, such as lineItems)
(uses the ApplePayRecurringPaymentRequest and the relevant fields in ApplePayLineItem like recurringPaymentStartDate)
(uses the relevant fields in ApplePayLineItem like deferredPaymentDate)
(uses new deferredPaymentRequest structure)
(uses the relevant fields in ApplePayLineItem like automaticReloadPaymentThresholdAmount)
(creates a combined Airline and Hotel payment by passing one ApplePayPaymentTokenContext for each token in the multiTokenContexts property)

"countryCode": "US",

Complete merchant validation

Before you are able to display the payment sheet to the customer, you need to generate a valid payment session by interacting with Apple Pay servers. For security reasons, your server needs to do this interaction, not your browser client code, unlike everything else in this demo. To start the merchant validation process, call the begin method on the session object you created above.

After calling the begin method, the browser invokes your onvalidatemerchant handler, which needs to fetch a merchant session from your server.

Refer to the instructions in Requesting an Apple Pay Payment Session to implement your server endpoint responsible for fetching the merchant session object from Apple Pay servers. If the fetch is successful, Apple Pay servers return a merchant session object, which your server needs to then pass back as the response to the browser.

After you have the merchant session response object in the browser, you need to complete your onvalidatemerchant handler by passing that object to the completeMerchantValidation method on the session object. The browser then displays the payment sheet.

The following code shows an example of how to validate a merchant to generate a payment session:

session.onvalidatemerchant = event => {
    // Call your own server to request a new merchant session.
      .then(res => res.json()) // Parse the response as JSON.
      .then(merchantSession => {
      .catch(err => {
        console.error("Error fetching merchant session", err);

Respond to payment sheet interactions

After merchant validation is complete, Apple Pay provides the information about your customer’s payment sheet selections so that you can calculate the final transaction cost. The final details of a transaction may depend on the user’s payment method, billing address, shipping address, or shipping method. To handle these adjustments, implement the optional handlers onpaymentmethodselected, oncouponcodechanged, onshippingmethodselected, and onshippingcontactselected. When the browser calls one of these handlers, you have 30 seconds to process it and call the corresponding callback function; otherwise, the transaction times out. All callbacks accept an object with newTotal (required), newLineItems (optional), newMultiTokenContexts (optional), newRecurringPaymentRequest (optional), and newAutomaticReloadPaymentRequest (optional) keys. In addition, you may specify newShippingMethods to update shipping methods, and an errors key containing an array of one or more ApplePayError objects to indicate problems with the user’s selected shipping address when calling the completeCouponCodeChange or the completeShippingContactSelection.

Payment method selected

Event handler onpaymentmethodselected
Callback function completePaymentMethodSelection
Update structure ApplePayPaymentMethodUpdate
Update properties newTotal (required)
newLineItems (optional)
newMultiTokenContexts (optional)
newRecurringPaymentRequest (optional)
newAutomaticReloadPaymentRequest (optional)
newShippingMethods (optional)
errors (optional)

Coupon code changed

Event handler oncouponcodechanged
Callback function completeCouponCodeChange
Update structure ApplePayCouponCodeUpdate
Update properties newTotal (required)
newLineItems (optional)
newMultiTokenContexts (optional)
newRecurringPaymentRequest (optional)
newAutomaticReloadPaymentRequest (optional)
newShippingMethods (optional)
errors (optional)

Shipping method selected

Event handlers onshippingmethodselected
Callback function completeShippingMethodSelection
Update structure ApplePayShippingMethodUpdate
Update properties newTotal (required)
newLineItems (optional)
newMultiTokenContexts (optional)
newRecurringPaymentRequest (optional)
newAutomaticReloadPaymentRequest (optional)
newShippingMethods (optional)

Shipping contact address selected

Event handlers onshippingcontactselected
Callback function completeShippingContactSelection
Update structure ApplePayShippingContactUpdate
Update properties newTotal (required)
newLineItems (optional)
newMultiTokenContexts (optional)
newRecurringPaymentRequest (optional)
newAutomaticReloadPaymentRequest (optional)
newShippingMethods (optional)
errors (optional)

Request a shipping address

If you pass requiredShippingContactFields in the payment request with a postalAddress value, Apple Pay provides redacted address information before the user authenticates the transaction. After the user authenticates, Apple Pay provides the full contact information.

The redacted payment information includes only the data necessary to complete required transaction tasks, such as calculating taxes or shipping costs, and may differ based on the user’s geographic region.

The following code shows an example of redacted payment information:

    "administrativeArea": "CA",
    "country": "United States",
    "countryCode": "US",
    "familyName": "",
    "givenName": "",
    "locality": "San Francisco",
    "phoneticFamilyName": "",
    "phoneticGivenName": "",
    "postalCode": "94114",
    "subAdministrativeArea": "",
    "subLocality": ""

Try it: completeShippingContactSelection

Select one of the Success options below (with or without updating line items and total) to see a successful response. Select Failure to see a completeShippingContactSelection response with custom errors. You may edit the ApplePayShippingContactUpdate response object below to experiment with different responses. Click or tap the Apple Pay button below to see how the payment sheet displays updates or address errors.


Authorize the payment

Finally, you need to implement the onpaymentauthorized handler that’s responsible for processing the transaction. After the user authenticates the transaction using Face ID, Touch ID, or their device passcode, the system calls this handler with the encrypted Apple Pay token, as well as the shipping and billing fields if you request them in the ApplePayPaymentRequest. To finalize the transaction, you need to pass the encrypted payment token to your payment processor using their API.

After you receive the response from your payment processor, call the completePayment method on the session and indicate either STATUS_SUCCESS or STATUS_FAILURE with an array of associated ApplePayError objects.

You may also validate the shipping and billing information, and invoke the completePayment method immediately, without calling the payment processor, if you detect a problem with the selected options (for example, if a user selects a shipping address in a location that you don’t service). Use the contactField key to specify the exact field that’s causing the error.

Try it: completePayment

Use the following values to customize the completePayment response below:

Select Success to default to STATUS_SUCCESS. Select Failure to see a completePayment response with custom errors.

Click or tap the Apple Pay button to see how the payment sheet completes the payment.

"status": 0


Implement the Disbursement Request API to disburse funds to your customer. With the Disbursement Request API, you can allow your site visitors to transfer funds from your site to an account that is linked to a card in Wallet. The Disbursement Request API is only available as a subset of the Payment Request API.

Additional resources

Ready to integrate Apple Pay into your website? Here are a few links you may find useful:

Questions or feedback

Check out our developer forums or reach out to us.